Shipwrecks are best viewed through a Crystal Kayak Explorer

The Shipwrecks of Tobermory ON, Canada are best viewed through the hull of a Crystal Kayak Explorer. The Crystal Kayak team took the weekend to go shipwreck sighting in the crystal clear waters of Georgian Bay in Ontario and spotted multiple shipwrecks along the coast of Little Tub Harbour.
Check out this Video to see for yourself how awesome the view was:
What was even more amazing was how the Crystal Explorer smoothed the surface of the water to turn into a clear window to the world below. We spent over 1 hour just at this wreck alone in our Crystal Kayak!
If you get the chance to head up to Tobermory to see the Shipwrecks this summer, stop by Big Tub Resort to rent a Crystal Kayak Explorer for the day in Big Tub Harbour and go see the amazing Shipwrecks or spend the day on Flower Pot Island.